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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. what is the best osw/pvp build?
  2. @bal they've been terrible rewards so far.

    @tom there's no specific build.
  3. Anyone know the stats of a fully upgraded SDT T6 and a DT T6?
  4. Why redstar bought most of the LB accounts including zafts and then drop vollied their allies to transfer gold to red?
  5. For the SDT it's 277,338(the DF)

    For the DT it's 353,709(the RWC)
  6. @pure

    It's against ToU to make accusations of such, also we have no real proof, aside for one thread with no SS(that I've seen), that this is true. But probably so he could get gold, if he did do it.
  7. have they changed some of the mechanics to DTW? i have 0% troops and still getting stolen from doesnt having 0% troops make u dtw to everything?
  8. There is a window of time in which one can be stolen from even with zero troops.

    I noticed this a couple of years ago when we were pinning one of our family when he got stripped. No matter how hard we tried to keep him pinned, they could get through for like 2 minutes at a time.

    I had emailed ATA about it, and they explained that it is a mechanic that has been in place since the beginning. 0 troops doesn't always render a DTW to steals.
  9. thank you for the answer clears up a few things for me :)
  10. I was pretty sure if you have hybrids mechanics and have gold out.
    If both your spies and troops are under 20% you are DTW.
    You can check out thumpers_master_Machine, thats a rad build for PvP.

    Also wanted to ask:
    For instance: you have 1.5Mil in SDT, you are being scouted by a SH with 900mil spy attack (no pots used, no EQ on you or him) will his unsuccessful scouts kill any of your troops?

    Same thing with Attacks and DT?
  11. Failing fo successfully scout/steal/assassinate/attack still makes both people lose spies/troops, but the losses would be far greater if they were to win the attack. So, yes it does but its not as much as if they were successfully scouting/stealing/assassinating/attacking.
  12. What will be better- level 10 fortiff crown and boots or level 1 Unkaris?
  13. Probably the fortiffs. It has a huge level difference.
  14. If its the next tier, then go for it. You can enchant them also, so they dont stay at lvl 1, and chances are their stats once maxed will be much better than the tier below.
  15. Isn't there a thread to sell allies? Need to sell this thing.
  16. Yes, though I expect most players do not buy from there because people just use it to scam off allies they bought on accident.
  17. Fallen.... If you re read my question. You will find im asking about SDT's not troop loss on normal scouts/attacks
  18. Could somebody post a link to BB code guy I would appreciate it