Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. what are pros and cons?
  2. Pros- Advantages/Benefits

    Con- Consequences/Disadvantages
  3. Why did no one answer my question? Can the relics once enchanted with scrolls reset to zero?
  4. Because no one knows  I know when you enchant it with Scrolls it won't fail
  5. What build should I have? Complete spy? Or a mixture of spy and others?
  6. It all depends on what you want.
  7. Which land is best for building towers?
  8. What's the % of gold you lose when you're attacked successfully ?
  9. Hoarfrosts would be my say.
  10. Agreed. Hoarfrost has better towers and each land taken by towers reduces it.

    Better to have 1tower costing 100t(example) than 10 costing 9t and lots of plunder.
  11. HF towers give most stats but HL give best static defence:plunder loss
  12. Where can you get the sickle?
  13. Does battle royal give banner stuff?
  14. Don't believe so
  15. Ok then what ebs give banner stuff besides origins an destroyer?
  16. Tsg drops banner stuff
  17. Don't know actually I would like to know :)
  18. The only two I know of are Origins and TSG
  19. Rotw and reckoning for banners
    Origins destroyer FoD TGL ACC TSG for material.

    Sickle comes from new growth