Look at when it was posted. Sh werent part of ee much back then. Plus, I know yall wouldnt refuse gold. ;-)
Support but with graituty,once you have it u need to renew it by buying more pot on 2 items stated plus you must owns 12 mith with full HL complete,this is better for dev like killing 2 birds with 1 stone.So everyone Will try getting it,better concept.
Support but needs some correction Price should be a little more, maybe 10-12 It should give players an increased chance of equipment drops about 5-15% increased rate
I kinda support and kinda don't. Reason I do is because it would get more people involved in wars and that's a good thing, hopefully it would make many more clans want to war and propose a ore difficult matchup for clans. Reason's I don't support would be because let's say a noob does 1 war, makes 300m plunder, and receives 60 mith, well then that gives that noob 5 times of casting that one mith spell at 12 mith per time and allows them to grow much quicker which most other players haven't been able to do. Most have had to spend hard earned real life money to become extremely powerful. I also think that it could be harmful to some because (not stated anywhere in thread) if it boost drop rates of everything such as feathers, this would be very difficult for devs to make reasonable goals. The people that could cast the spell could get ~250 feathers (that's 1 hte while spell is activated) and everybody else would be getting ~125. This could be very unfair for some who don't war as they would never be able to reach the extremely high goals devs would have to implement to overrule the spell