Your gates have been breached

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _ZE_Castiel_MP_, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. I mean there spy's that what the do assassinate
  2. wht
  3. No, if you want to be able to deal with hansels build spy def. Hansels are hansels solely for the purpose of pooping on attack builds. Its what makes the build fun.
  4. true, it was very fun. now my build can pin an attack build and unload troops on a hansel. win
  5. I dont often post forum's but when I see some attack build crying cause he thinks it's unfair that a hansel is able to steal/assassinate him I just need to post. First off you could use full pots an scout the crap out me rendering my spies useless an leaving me wide open to you making goos bank with attacks or secondly you could use that thing called spy defense towers which would cause fails but no you wouldn't want to do that cause your plunder would drop well suck it up butter cup either build sdt or learn to use your build better hansels have been screwed over enough without dumb ass ideas like this .
  6. how about if you can only take their spies when they have troops? So for example if their troops are at 50% and you get them to 0, the spies have gone down 50% to 50% and they cant go down anymore with attacks because you have no troops left. The 50% are too smart and can hide from your troops you see ;)
  7. This is the reason why I hate gaw and pimd.
  8. There is a reason that scouting doesn't use pots
  9. At the title, So's your mum 

    Sorry, had to be said. Carry on