The Elusive Crystals

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Malik_the_Freak, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Support️
  2. I imagine the nobs and xtals are very rare so I certainly don't doubt your claims, bomb. I am saying that there is nothing wrong with it that. Xtals is the paid portion of this game. Its how the devs make revenue. Why should they give us xtals for free at all?

    As for your example of games where products are sold or given away I am sure you and I could go on for a while but the point is moot. There is no way for you and I to assess whether more apps do it this way or that just by our personal experienced and it really doesn't matter anyway. The devs will do what they feel is in the best interest of their business. They have no reason to cut into their prophets and give us anything for free.
  3. We'll I have to agree with you there....the devs are going to do what they feel is best. But as they release more and more buildings it will be harder and harder for new players to stay in the fold.....allowing them to get am extra crystal here and there would be a small incentive in my opinion.
  4. I support this to...but then they would make less money...but would save me some.
  5. SUPPORT 100%... Great idea
  6. The point of Xtals is that they're a commitment. They're supposed to be an extra boost for whatever you're tryin to accomplish. Stop being so lazy, KaW. Go quest and do them. Or buy them if you're lazy. I'm sure you've got $ if you're that lazy.
  7. I'd go for a gold price for xtals. It would have to be pretty big though. Enough stuff from EBs, go earn your own ****. Be a man about it.
  8. I don't think this will go well with the devs. Crystals are a main source of $ for them, so why would they give it away for free. In B2B clans, players would eventually make lots of crystals and not have to buy them feom the devs.
  9. @Rhaegar

    Not everyone likes the fact that you pretty much have to spend money on the game to be very effective.

    Someone who pays for xtals > Someone who hasnt dropped a dime on this game.

    Actually devs were supposedly adding a 'War Crystal' that could be purchased and used only during war this season, but I suppose they never got around to it or found it to be interfering with their money. Lol.
  10. Or maybe that was a rumor ^ >.>
  11. I tried suggesting the very same idea so I SUPPORT! i use my xtals for mercing to help others
  12. Support, just make it as rare as horn or seal, xtals are worth less than those, so why not?
  13. The war crystal is still being worked on..

    No support, i want the devs to get more money so they can continue the game. You guys are wasting your time. Why would the devs want to give away crystals anyway? If they were to add them to ebs, it would have to have the same drop rate as quests to be fair (0.026).
  14. support, and maybe some xstals on our kaw birthdays!!!
  15. Support 
  16. This is a business, not a charity.