Progressive scaling for feather drops

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MiracleWhip, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Feathers drop the same no matter what your effort is in an epic battle (after you have hit enough to get a drop that is). This is unfair to the more active members as well as those who use xtals. I'm not a big feather collector but id like to seethe drops scale a bit.

    For example say the newest eb gives around 86 feathers per win as long as you give a good unload. After 3 unloads surprise surprise all you get is 86 or so. Why not boost it up per action put in. Instead of 86 for three give at least 100-120. This would also leave the field for those who work harder and take a long time to finish an epic battle and remove the advantage those go do b2b rotwb.

    My two cents. Please give feedback if possible :).
  2. True i mean ROTW gives 102 feathers no madder how many actions, I did 5 and 102
  3. When you only do 5-6 actions on say one of the new ebs you get 0
  4. Another way of doing it would be to have a set amount if feathers per eb and divvy them out based on okunder position.
  5. Devs did that so players with big pockets can't just get the most feathers by burning crystals on every eb. It was designed that way to make it fair to ALL players. Not just the ones spending.
  6. Using a logarithmic scale spending like crazy wouldn't help. One unload is 50 2 is 75 3 is 88 etc
  7. I would say 1 feather per action regardless of what eb you are hitting..Maybe more for HTE / ROTW as they are premium ebs..At the moment these events are more of a negative than a positive for KAW in my opinion...just disrupting other game play.
  8. Its bad when devs step up the promos. There event has failed horribly and they are desperate to save it. Weekly raffles, forum feathers, and it seems like every other day I log in I get the "feather hunt is on!" Pre-log in notification. Ummmm I know kaw. Its just I don't care. I don't even have 5k yet. I haven't even looked at reward screen. Give it up Dev. Your events are trying on your games death clock. Could push that date back if more time was spent on mechanics and less on cash grabs.
  9. Wow gonna complain either way and this proves it..
    When the other hunts based off builds and other things peeps said same crap
  10. Just some consistency would be nice tbh...

    Albert Einstein definition of insanity

    "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

    Reck - 26 actions 81 feathers
    26 actions 79 feathers
    26 actions 81 feathers
    26 actions 0 feathers
    26 actions 80 feathers
    26 actions 0 feathers

  11. Albert Einstein was not a psychologist, his definition of insanity doesn't hold much weight bub.
  12. Maybe. Not, but the point is still valid 
  13. Stupid phone, maybe not*
  14. I wonder if the equip is going to suck like in the other promos, I'm pretty sure it is
  15. This feather hunt was all about speed. Do fast enough EBs and you could have gotten max prize, nothing else to it
  16. At least it's not all about nml, right guys?
  17. Stupid idea. Basically whoever blows the most on xstals and seals would get all the feathers