Eric it's the same HoG you keep saying stuff to. Yep long hair doesn't have to put you in any specific social group. Oh, and i don't go out because it's hot in California.
Lol? Long hair makes you emo? Um. No. Eric? Can you replace the **** in your head with a real brain? No? Isn't think so. At LEAST think with your arse then. Pale skin can be natural, no matter how long one stay outside. Some people suffer from being I the sun longer than an hour or less. And others simply don't like it outside, and that's ok because it what they want, and it isn't your choice because you aren't important enough or strong enough to control him or any others (y) being a bully? Ok let's look at the reasons. 1. You could be mentally disabled. 2. You could be self conscious. 3. You could bean attention seeker. 4. You could have been bullied as a child and now wish to pretend to yourself that you have any sort of "power" over someone else. 5. You're weak in real life, which means you have to use the Internet to hurt people (which you are failing to do). Which one Eric? Id say 1 and 5 but that's my opinion. Probably 4 too. Either way, all of us here are better than you. Always remember! We are better and stronger than you, you are lying to yourself. It's fact. And the world doesn't need you for one single thing my unprecious little nothing. ️️
WWW: so what if I'm most of those things? You're obviously just a long haired emo yourself standing up for your little emo friend. Go find happiness and look like a normal person/get a haircut