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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. 1.) From Kaw_Community:

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  2. **** this thread
  3. Sorry guys, but the fact that the knowledge of a blood moon falls into the study of geology isn't up to discussion, at least not here.
  4. What epic battles drop bloodwood
  5. What is the most amount of plunder you can get from an eb. Like hitting hte or something? I get 90 milish a hit. How high does it go
  6. More than 180m I think. Depends on your buildings and how many you have. MAB aswell ofc
  7. Can you only purchase 6 miths max. Or can I buy six more the next day?
  8. You can buy 6 use it then buy 6 it's a 36 daily purchase allowed
  9. You cant buy any mith if you have 6 or more
  10. Would I be making more in one haunting if I converted to a hybrid or hansel? I'm only making about a bil right now, 600mil from attacks, 400 from bonus. It seems like growth is so slow. Thanks! 
  11. Coriander, you probably shouldnt be hitting hauntings but rather somewhere along the lines of TSG, pays about 1 1/2 times better than Hauntings(seals drop in TSG too) and you cant get billions worth of pots per run
  12. I see your point, Anubis. But would a different build allow me to make more gold in general?
  13. Yes it would.
  14. What type of build? What kind tends to grow faster than others?
  15. Hybrids seem to grow the quickest, but I prefer Hansels.
  16. Attack builds grow fastest because upgrades are cheaper and such, but hybrid builds and hansels both have the potential to make more gold.

    But, most importantly, more gold isnt a good reason to convvert. Spy builds need lots of bfe and bfa to hit higher tiers and hybrids arent great for warring.

    Change build because it suits your play style not for more gold.
  17. That is true I'm using spells the hit in HTE
  18. At around 30mil bfa/bfe hansels can hit all the way down on a haunting or below without mith or pots
  19. 17mcs farming 3mcs???!

    Hey. Everyone in my clan is being hit by Buttersauce. He is nearly 17mcs! How is he even able to hit my members who range from 2-9 mcs?! We can't fight back! We can't defend. It is discriminatory bullying. One of my members has been farmed by him for over a year now, ever since she owned a clan. Buttersauce has something against women in leadership and demanded she pass owner to him. She said no, and he has farmed her, and every clan she has been in ever since! I understand this is war game, but my people are being hit up to 40-80 times/day per person! And we cannot defend. He is ex-military, dishonorably discharged, and just lost his girlfriend, and is now taking it out on my team... Help! Please! Change cs hit ranges!