The Elusive Crystals

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Malik_the_Freak, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. KAW players everywhere love going to war and hitting eb's. That's all there is to this game right? War. And eb's. And a whole lotta trash talk between rival clans that fuel the flames for more wars. But what is the final aspect? The foundation that this game was built on? I know, I know. Get to the point. CRYSTALS. Also known as xstals, happy time, regen my booty, and ONLY BOUGHT FROM MARKETPLACE OR DROPPED IN QUESTS. So devs. This favor may have been asked before, but... how about making Crystals into a rare item drop for EB's? Similar to inferno or aqua, but make it a bit more rare to get, like equipment. Support for CRYSTAL DROPS ON EPIC BATTLES? Come on, I know you all want em.
  2. Got my support, that's an excellent idea lurk!!!!!
  3. U got my attention!!!Support!!!
  4. Support. No one does quests anymore. Great idea
  5. But these crystals can only be used for wars so it makes more people want to war ?
  6. No support. Devs need to make money somehow to keep kaw running.
  7. Support this 100%, it would make this game a lot better for me and many other Kaw players
  8. They're also used by Mercs who help finish eb's.
  9. Mercs would definitely benefit.
  10. No support. Go do your quest.
  11. Mercing is a thankless task, for when I was mercing most of those who got help were thankless twits. And got abusive when they had them being asked questions, such as have you got someone for items?(FoD) is your WC clued in? Or completely useless?

    Xtals are a necessary evil to keep the game running.
  12. No support.
    Gotta make a living OP
    It must be hard work tryna run a game with people crying at them all the time, then they get male pubic area organs like you coming up tryna make them lose profit
  13. I haven't had quest in two years . I Believe after they get you hooked , the freebies stop. As with most things.Understanding they are fueled by this money thing .butt Meanwhile I support. With the pull I have, expect it never to have a chance in hell. ... Maybe I shouldn't have posted .
  14. KaW can run itself people needed as long as the system is there (maybe a few but not many) so they don't need xstal for xstal drops
  15. Wingless I bet youd have a whole other opinion if you owned kaw
  16. No not only for war because these days clans are so picky with war members that many of us get left out always same ppl that are 'useful' in war
  17. I support this. I don't think if equip ebs dropped a xtal rarely would even dent the devs income on xtals. Look at SoD and HoC they cost more then a xtal and drop from numerous ebs. I also think that it will give incentive for bigger players to hit all of the equip ebs not just the top tiers.
  18. Support! Or reduce price of them