Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Is my name ok?
    Btw: I obviously voted for the other dude..
  2. Yes. Your name is OK.

    May you bait and troll many, many people and make teh lulz for teh lulz bcuz u r teh bestest
  4. Kaw_community has creative trapped in the basement
  5. 
    Only spragga can save him now…
    Ransom prob like a butt massage
  6. what is the time difference of pdt and gmt?
  7. Time zone
  8. umm.... seriously??
  9. If your in PST time zone add 8 hours reverse if your in GMT.
  10. That is a question that only you can answer here's a few steps
    1) attack in a eb take down a note saying how much you earned
    2) buy an ally
    3)attack the same eb if the money want up you are not at max allies plunder bonus.
  11. What is SPRAGGA?????
  12. Should I put everything to level 1 first including spy buildings in the highlands?
  13. If you are converting up a tier it is advisable to go straight to lvl 2
  14. Who made the Forum Leaderboard thread and can someone bump/update it?
  15. Slayerbob I think.
  16. Yes Slayerbob, and no it seems it's been deleted...
  17. So as a hansel should I bank in allies and then mass convert LL and HL or should I just keep buying HF?
  18. I would max convert, BUT it's up to you.