Aqua/Inferno/Equip/Mith MARKET

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cls, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Great idea!
  2. Support. as far as alts go why worry.
  3. *imagine this a meme* ok?

    Kaw_admin says yes

    Now the walrus_admin says pancakes
  4. Holy sweet ass nuggets, it's a great idea
  5. support !! get it done devs... its a great idea would be alot more efficient
    instead of items being wasted
  6. Support
  7. Support but not the equip though
  8. Thats a ******* terrible idea the exploits would be insane.
  9. Support️
  10. Supported. Immense idea!
  11. Support but imagine how much people will make... I've seen some people with over 1,000 of each
  12. So i could buy mith then sell it to my alt for half the price. No support
  13. No support
  14. Support to Immense!
  15. Not sure if someone else has posted this idea or not, but I have had the idea to sell unwanted Aqua back for 5 xtals a piece. As a sorta reverse purchase. It couldn't really be exploited unless lvl 5 EE makes aqua more drops frequent.
  16. Full support. And agree that it needs to have a bidding period.
  17. Support but I think trading nobility points is better with daily limit or something
  18. Support