I don't fail bb codes I know how to do them. It's just time consuming. Instant bb code button is all I'm asking. It will allow forum post made easy to use on mobile devices. Thanks for your support guys
I miss read what winter said apologies for calling you a weirdo. A fine example of why bb code buttons would help... devs what do you think...
I don't think BBCodes are all that needed. The only ones you'd *really* need are simple and easy to use. And BBCodes aren't all that necessary, unless you're making a thread, or you want to be gay, and post every post in color. But those people usually have the color on Copy and Paste already, so...
Plus, I don't want my Forums to lag more. My 4th Gen iPod crashes often enough at the hint of lag, and forums would soon be unusable with BBCodes.
Ummm, if you want bb code buttons, get on PC. They have the buttons, faces,colors, and even the ability to edit your posts so you can make someone else look stupid ️