Here are the winners of this week's The Great Quetzal Hunt. Out of everyone who had 4,000 or more feathers as of 12PM PDT today a lucky 100 players were randomly selected to receive 2 x Seal of the Damned and 1000 x Quetzal Feathers. Congratulations! _______R0NlN__________ ___LOKI___ ___Yellow_Flash___ __HK__ _khan_ _Snuffleupagus_ _XxAoCXx_xBxIxZxZx_xXAoCXx_ --The_Legend--KAIGARATE-- -Fabz_Up-Ur_MaCHiNE- -I--l-D-I-V-I-S-I-O-N-I--I- -MrsBlack- 24_IIFlI_l_INl_IFIl_IAI_lNI_24 3inawy 666_Xx-SnOwGirl-xX_666 AOW_CHI-TOWN_ASSASSIN-AOW barage blue_chedz CAMPT Chaddon CheekyLittleBugger chiellos ClaireZan CrAzYDoEsNtBeGiNtoCoVeRiT cywatson DarkZeroEX dertibehar dmuhlbauer2 DXiXvXiXnXe-llXDXll ElIlIlIlIlGr1zZlYlIlIlIlIlR ElJenno FargoWells Flaming-Trident FU_LILG_FU GA-HITMAN goldturtle HealthInspectorFiesta HOP_BABYCHALL3NG3R_HOP House_Of_El hurtdaisy I__BT-Trinity__I I_I_I-MK_LXXIV-I_I_I IID1II--xXxAPOPHISxXx--IID1II IIIIII____J-Walker____IIIIII IILRBIIBLACK_JAGUARIILRBII IlIl_BlackBones63__IlIl IlIllIIlRllAllHllUllLlIIllIlI IllIl_IllI_SecRetS_IllI_IllIl IlSlIPII-Belle-lISllPII jaiswal JCGentry jesse299baker joijoius2 jrjones1 Justice0369 kalkal KawDevil kenzo-bush KickButt killerds King_Russ KlLO kreichert Kriega l-_-lDirtyRatl-_-l lifereaper77 lIlII--IllISAPPHIREIlIl--llIII lIlIlIlIlISpider2928lllllIIIII Little-Fox llllllllll-PA-llllllllll LORDGENERALEVILA LOTR__korgan3__LOTR LT-Pepe-le-Pew-LT lyunitas-forever-more MikeDeCanmore Miss_Kaci Paigeadara paperbad PeteZamborski PhilThis PhoenixRising Princess Rabbitwar Rebeccawww526 Samuel_Bellamy Shadow_Strike ShadowWolf SO__Enyo__RA Spiemaster State_Courts-OoOSOoOGOoOROBOoO stephen_clark SUNSHiNE THE-EMPRESS the-other-guy TheTropica UK--twisted-tea-- XIXlXIXRAVENXlXIXlX Xx__ExternalKhan2__xX Xx_KiNG_DaViD_xX YB-south Z-_Tezza_-T
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 Please don't increase the prerequisites to be in the raffle. I only have around 1,800!
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 I have a splendid idea... Let's give those who have the most... more. BRILLIANT! yes I am butthurt
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 Congratulations to all winners. I for one am stoked see so many seal drops a week. Will be even more if i won one
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 This event totally sucks ass I only have about 5k in feathers right now and next week won't be eligible for raffle and I have had only a few seals in my KaW life
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 Hello, Captain America. I have never had a single seal. When the first came out with HTE they have out a free seal to everyone. It was a Wednesday that they gave it out, I believe. I never got that seal for some reason. So don't be so Butthurt, and play.
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 Lol thx for that intro. I just hate how everyone who actually has seals to use when they want get more
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 How do I qualify for the raffle? I have Almost 10k feathers. Ill never get picked in the raffle devs hate me .
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 All these raffles and I don't win. what the **** devs. Do you draw names out of a hat? I'd like to know if it's the goblet of fire that gives you your names. I am over 17!
Re: Quetzal Hunt Raffle - Week 3 Why are you all complaining? " i didnt get pick, blah blah blah" You need to understand how this is. So let me break it down to you You needed 4k feathers to participate in this raffle meaning players qualified are between tier 2-3 qualified 100 players were chosen at random. Yes random. Meaning unless you have proof otherwise. Its RANDOM. Leaderboard says tier 2 already has 8100 players and tier 3 has 3750 This means that for every 1 raffle winner You had somewhere between 1:37.5 to 1-81 chance at winning Thats math explanation for you Better luck next week. Hopefully requirements will continue to be higher and those odds may be reduced. So congratulations to winners and better luck for next week for the rest