Support, They do this exact thing on PIMD sign up leave clan randomly assigned one based on stats and then matched.
No support. If you've spent many resources, time, and stress building up a good EE clan, you should have the right to keep it, and not have to be drafted into some random clan with people who very well might not know what they're doing. It would be fun though, I must admit.
Phoenix.. It wouldn't effect ee clans.. Its for people who can not get war. A choice button... To join a war in a clan made by devs. For example. If 30 people can't get war but want war.. They could push the button saying random war.. And go against each other.. 15v15 for fun. Devs could make it as fair as possible..
Nice idea although I can also see the point of LB players . Worth a try surely as the same teams are facing each other every other day it seems and the current format doesn't work clearly or more clans would be warring
Hmm. I guess it could work. But you do realize that it would be very hard to do. Maybe it could be an entirely different type of EE wars, and it would be harder to get equipment at the end of the season... Just realize, though, that your clans will be filled with noobs who go inactive, won't cast spells, don't know how to war, don't have the correct pots, and probably won't xtal. You may even be better off not warring. Though the other clan would have the same problems. Either way, it can very easily turn into a "hit the inactives!" Type of war. And that's weak.
Yes, but it would damage EE even more. I think that all these people who want to war should actually try. Change your build according to the standards by current-day EE, and war. An easy way to war, and win, wouldn't be much fun, and it would be unfair to those who have killed themselves (not literally) to have the ability to war.
I support...and enjoy the would allow more people the opportunity to war...and going along with Phoenix's input...maybe create a real working Damocles list per would be like in LoL where if you go inactive in a war you get banned from it for a certain amount of time...sure it would be an incredible amount of work and planning from devs put it could put a new spin on current warring
If it makes them profit, and it's worth it for them, they may do it. Don't expect it anytime soon, though, sorry.
Support, I see both sides but I support. I think it will work. I inactives cause you to lose a war they prolly gonna still get farmed and may think twice about signing up again. Only prob I see is everyone has their own idea of how war should be run, who decides war leader?