have a swear blocker you can turn off and on.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ALPHA_rectum_bear_knox, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Like nerdy WoW kaw has a great world and clan chat. But like WoW we should also have option to filter words out or not . Give adults options. Ask us all our Age we set it and boom give us options . Age isn't something to personal to know...this will allow less silences ( haters yes I'll go run off a cliff) ... Also why does it burn when I p?
  2. WoW. World of warcraft
  3. It's already been suggested. Too many problems would arise and the game would no longer be able to retain it's 9plus rating.
  4. I don't think apple or Google play store would see that fit for a 9 gene much less ata, so yea! no...
  5. Too busy raiding Orgrimmar to care about chat filters here.
  6. I disagree, we're trying to make people not use bad or offending language. Allowing us to turn the filters off will encourage worse behaviour and language. -EA
  7. Support. It's the internet. People can go on naughty sites all day.
  8. So I could have gone to silkroad and bought a **** ton of drugs. (RIP silkroad) but I can't swear on a game dominated by a player base over 18.
  9. What the I respect you?

    I do not support this Bacon.