Aqua/Inferno/Equip/Mith MARKET

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by cls, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Selling Aqua for Xtals was never my thinking, just for gold to other players, or trading aqua and inferno and Mith between different players, there are all sorts of ways the Devs could do it 
  2. Supppooooorttt.
  3. Seen it happen before on another game with an open market for buying selling items/commodities. All it takes is a well timed placement into the market by an alt for the main to scoop up the items.
  4. Support
  5. Everything gets exploited period. That being said, I think if in a open market like bids and things like has to be on bid for say 8 hrs it could work. And regardless its you equip mith ect. If you want a alt to get a great deal then why can't you try. You did infact earn it either way then paid again for it. But all in all its your stuff. Do with it as you please but auction type environment to prevent farming for stuff. And make it stay open for bid for 8 hrs. Devs could also mandate minimum prices for everything to be sold. Support
  6. Stop being greedy and work for your things like the rest of kaw had to.
  7. This whole game is full of exploits everywhere. This suggestion will benefit more people than the numbers that may exploit it. The EE wars are still an exploit, people are hoarding mith like there is no end. So throwing the word 'exploit' doesnt do much if you ask me.
  8. @obi couldn't have said it better. And toxic. If you click my name you will see there isn't much I haven't earned the hard way. I need no exploits. Infact most wars I attend war no sh.
  9. Definately support!! Trade will b better. Dev pls consider.
  10. Support a trade market
  11. Support Really good idea
  12. Support-But not make own price make set prices/rates
  13. support, goood idea imme
  14. Like PIMD? 
    Support 
  15. Support this idea - WoW auction house shows it can work and enhances the game . LG
  16. Support for aqua/inferno.