Battle List Idea- Challenge Mode

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IE__DragonBorn__IE, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. The idea is basically be able to challenge people on the battle list to a fight until no troops remain. As soon as they run out of troops they lose. Simple as that. But you both put stakes up like gold bars or potions to even gold.

    During this challenge no Crystals can be used same as pots and you can not be hit by other players. No regen as well.

    For those who win and lose you get statistics on your profile so people see what they could be dealing with as well as a special leader board put in that's based on wins/Loss and not stats. Person on the top of the leader board gets say 10% attack / Defence. Or maybe they get 5% more troops to there kingdoms so they get 2 extra hits for Ebs/wars.

    Making a lot of this up on the spot so may look/sound rushed. If enough people like it ill out more thought into it.
  2. Oh and the challenge lasts for 2 minutes or so to avoid it being exploited. Just thought maybe there can be a random selection so people don't know your user so you can't be farmed. Gotta keep it honourable.
  3. A little confusing but sounds like with some tweaking the devs could make it happen
  4. Honestly, I like this idea, but it seems only mods ideas become in game reality. Like moose suggested that more clan thing and later it's coming out.
  5. We need moose here, I just want some credit ;) nah jokes really want this though
  6. this is a good idea although i think pots should be allowed or else towers will just rule bl like they do ee
  7. Yeah that's true as I said just thought of it as I was writing it. Feel free to write your own additions to it.
  8. I Support 
  9. 2mins 0.o really what about lag give it 10mins n deal
  10. 2 mins is a little short haha
  11. It's a good idea but it would be exploited to transfer gold between accounts and will probably never happen
  12. Like I said random match ups
  13. Wait no i didn't, sorry
  14. ^with random match ups I really like the idea
  15. Sounds like a good idea to me
  16. Dumb then comes down to who has more xstalls
  17. Crystals are not allowed. I wrote that.