I looked around for a while for a thread regarding this and didn't see any, but if it has already been posted, my apologies. I believe the Events tab is a bit archaic and with not much effort could be revamped in such a fashion it could potentially cut back on the amount of ads on WC (probably not, but one can always hope right). First thing I would do is add a filter option to it to sort by Epic Battle. May be the simplest way to make it more user friendly. I know I typically will give up on scrolling through the pages 3-4 pages in looking for a specific EB and ultimately post to WC "Looking for ____", which can be just as obnoxious as any endless ads for such-and-such EB, come get your ___(equip, $, Aqua/Inferno, banner items, whatever moth/feather/fang/ridiculous promo item). Second would be an active participants and clan size. I don't like finding the EB I'm looking for to find out their clan is full but only 1/4 are hitting then walling all active admins to open space up. Third would be an indicator of what phase they are on. I know this would leave it open for people to try to get in at the tail end of the battle to try and snake the drop, but it would give a perspective into whether the EB is a lost cause or worth jumping into. Ultimately I know that my suggestion(s) will likely go unheeded by the developers but if they choose to implement any of this I think the most beneficial would be the filter. What does everyone else think?