Ally Hire Confirmation Button Please!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by SE---TheBLacKDahLiaMurdeR---SE, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Support.
  2. No support. Vollying would take forever.
  3. Maddog I think I specifically remember you saying the exact same thing on a thread I made about this same topic.

  4. No support you know there is a drop button. You hired deal with it or give them the boot. I once hired an ally in my sleep left kaw on and fell asleep lol
  5. No support. Go to GaW and try to do a volley once and you will see...
  6. Sigh just remove the hire button from the ally list where you sort players by price.... nearly solves the whole issue
  7. No support.
  8. Hear. Hear. No more accidental multi billion 0 0's.
  9. Continued support
  10. No support ......i volley more than i look for fresh allies
  11. Then support for other people ^ toggle-able you silly monkey.
  12. I believe that a setting is useful for this because if you don't want to have a confirm purchase button you have it turned off and if you do want it on you just turn it off.

    Yours sincerely,
  13. Support!!! Accidental Hires Suck :( Please Make Button. To many times scrolling threw allies list and accidently hitting hire. Semms like it could be an easy fix idk why it takes years of reposting
  14. I accidentally bought a 507b ally, I don't care I made a mistake I lived with it. Eventually someone else messed up an bought it.

    Quit whining and browse carefully
  15. Love it when my allies were accidentally support