EPIC WARS What are epic wars? Epic wars are massive full game related wars against a main boss, controlled by a bot or ATA/devs throughout the entire thing, lasting a week or so. You have to defeat minions to do damage. At certain %'s special items or shops containing special stuff will be unlocked. To stop people from abusing others through a main damage % scorer. You will have your own personal dmg scorer, these ones will give better items depending on your contribution. When you defeat enough minions, the boss will come at the end. attacks and hits from the bosses/minions Some possible hits could be
heals/regens, attacks and hits from and to minions/bosses An ideal attacks from the boss may do enough dmg to knockout 50% troops. Or maybe powerful enough to lock buildings temporarily decreasing your stats. An ideal attack from a minion maybe sort of like the dmg from a normal player. Just half a small regen of troops. Their at attacks at a small chance may loot off a tiny bit of gold, a percentage of your total. The boss could also regenerate. Specific parts may also require you to use mith spells to hit. Throughout the epic war, there could be mini bosses at the end of specific parts of the eb or come after certain amounts of minions defeated. Rewards Rewards will be awarded during the epic war, as special shops open for you purchase items and special equipment during the epic war, items may include special spells, items to weaken the enemy, equipment to bought using a possible special currency during the war. If such a currency cannot be used, there could be the idea of usinggold, nobs, or trading aqua or inferno.
there could alao be aqua, inferno, xtals or nobs dropping as you hit the enemy. Equipment and special items **cannot use images due to a further required update i can't get to upload** Equipment, similiar to war equipment has to be hard earned, they will have high stats but as a downside to this, enchanting them will be almost as hard for the ice moth promo enchantment difficulty. Im not that immiginative, so i'll leave it to the devs to be immaginary(as they already are). Items could have slight differences to the normal ones, these can effect the enemy only by weakening them. Similiar to marketplace, they will have lvls of cost and lvls if dmg and weakening, weakening the enemy will be permanent until the one it was used on is dead, these items will have one-time uses.
I suck. Thank you for reading, if you reply with "no support" or "support", please provide reasons as to why. Sorry about the messiness of this thread. -Dark
No support. Sounds exactly like a cross between eb and war. I personally think this would further kill the game.
No support. Eb fairies shouldn't get "similar to war equipment." Warriors earned their equipment through hard work. Ebs are not hard work.