Shut the **** up. I've seen this idea millions of times one more thread aint gonna make the devs add it. If you're too damn stupid to put your thumb on the other side of the screen and scroll with that then you shouldn't be in this game.
You suck Tut! lol, support. How about a FOLLOW confirmation button? Always sucks to accidentally follow someone in an osw when you are trying to hit them... lol
Or you have 20 secs after a hire to change your mind ... Make a button that turns into a timer. Then if it was a mistake you have 20 seconds to cancel the hire, just tap the button once more and it's canceled .... Easy Peasy
All my allies active and for sale and searching for a 24b active allie must be active in current eb for hire
Thats great goofy but this thread wasn't intended for you to advertise your wants and needs regarding allies. Stay on topic please