*I apologize ahead if this topic was previously mentioned on another forum thread* On the hire ally screen when the hire button is pressed I think a simple little pop-up with "hire" and "don't hire" or even a pop-up asking "are you sure?" with a yes and no option should be implemented to avoid accidental hiring caused by the hire button being hit by accident. This has happened to me on many occasions usually leaving me stuck with an ally I dont want, or a way overpriced inactive account in turn causing me to lose substantial money because my finger slipped. This should be an easy enough fix that would save many players from losing money just because they're finger slipped. Please consider this proposal devs Thank You -Tut
No support volleying would take way too long and just be annoying... Don't scroll so close to the hire button that's your easy fix
Hire from market = conformation. Hire via profile = no conformation. That would be the way to go imo.
Volleying is usually done through links or news feed though, I've never volleyed an ally through the "hire ally" screen personally...
The ally market has been the exact same since when I played in 2009/10 as it is now... Even with support they won't change it lol
Volleying allies is usually done through news feed after being given a link to the ally thats to be volleyed from my experience. I've never volleyed through the hire ally screen personally but maybe thats just me...