Use all pots [ON] OFF Button

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Spilatch, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Where in my post did I say it takes too long ?...... The problem is the speed of actions when then game doesn't recognize you hit the button and actions go through with no pots at all.
  2. That's just you not clicking the button

    If you click it, it does go through
  3. Yea maybe make sure the button is pressed, it's called laggy technology.
  4. And what makes you think i dont have another account? I actually started about 2/3 years ago on a differwnt account until i broke my ipod
  5. I started in 2010 I win
  6. Who cares when you started? You use the name mrs spragga on some reset account and act like your some kind of boss.. Once a noob always a noob
  7. No support man the **** up and try to use all pots every time or you don't deserve to use all pots every time.
  8. That means everyone is a noob, your logic is flawed
  9. I disagree and you hit me 5x don't make forum posts if you can't take the criticism
  10. Don't make unfounded statements if you can't take the repercussions of those statements
  11. So you can't be bothered to hit select all then action that sounds lazy to me,
  12. My problem with the "No Support" comments here are that they are coming from ppl with EB builds. What he is suggesting is more for EE wars where timing on actions are critical. So until you experience this I suggest sticking to the repeat button.
  13. I would like pots presets so say your farming some noob and you know you only need summon darkness and mind scream (80% sure those are spy pots) so you click "set preset" then choose the pots you want and everytime you hit someone you choose "preset 1" or whatever.
    Just a thought️
  14. My problem with the "support" comments here is that they won't press one button. If they won't do that they don't even deserve to use all pots.
  15. That would be an interesting idea though.
  16. The "select all pots" button is a single button that takes only a second to press. :|
  17. Support