Hey Everyone It's AbyssDragon here with an idea. I'm kinda new to forums BTW so I'm hoping for no BB code fails. So the idea that I have is an idea involving clan tags. So let's say that you join a clan and a while later decide to perm. You have to spend 20 nobs to change your name just to add a couple letters or numbers. Those nobs could be spent on Seals, Horns, or troop Regens. So I thought as I wanted to perm with a clan why can't we just spend something else to ad clan tags? Then it hit me, why can't we spend say 15 bil to ad clan tags to our name. Maybe so it couldn't be abused to completely alter your name it could only be 10 additional character with at least 2 on each side of your name. You may be asking how would this work so let me explain Let's say I want to add some clan tags for my clan the-rejects. So I go to the Oracle and hit a box which would be added under extra Ally slots titled add Clan Tags and a text box appears like when you input a price range to buy allies. I input -TR- in the first box and -TR- in the second box. Then I hit a button labeled accept which a notification bubble appears and it states "this will cost 15 bil" which then you have the option to accept or cancel After my name would be -TR-AbyssDragon-TR- . You may however wish to drop your clan tags at some point so underneath the Add Clan Tags Box which says drop tags. This would take the most recently made clan tags from you and just leave your name. So if I dropped tags it would be AbyssDragon like it is currently. This would cost nothing to compensate for lost money in the adding of clan tags. Additionally you would be able to change your clan tags for the same price as adding new ones. So let's say I decided to go to the clan Avatar. I would be able to change my name using the same method to make it -AVA-AbyssDragon-TAR- . When I chose to drop clan tags it would now drop the Avatar tags instead of the-rejects tags. Let me know what you think of this idea. I'm hoping to make some more threads in the future so please leave CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on how I can improve this has been Abyss and thank you for reading this very lengthy thread
I couldn't read the cyan to well but got the gist if it. I think it should be up to the owner of a clan to bestow the clan tag. And once bestowed it would be a different color than your name. Then it would stay on until you hit remove clan Tag or owner ( from owner options). Not an auto remove for just leaving as it would look good for allied clans helping or merc clan coming to help out to see their clan tag. It would help in identifying perm members easier; and not have to re-add every time someone leaves and comes right back. Support