Ability to re-arrange your buildings.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by iGabe920, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Support! 
  2. Support

    Sometimes when I scout other pplz they have nice land and I get so jelliez
  3. Devs can't make a profit on this. Just tear down and rebuild where u want them.
  4. I even unlock my lands in a pattern
  5. Normally ppl think ahead and build accordingly if u actually have OCD you would have thought of that :D
  6. Support to the nob idea.
    1 nob per build change is reasonable.
    If they want moar monays they could increase that to 5 nobs or 10 nobs.
  7. OCD also :lol: support
  8. SUPPORT IN A BIG WAY!!!! 
  9. I too am ocd. I would like to relay my buildings just for cosmetic purposes. Support.
  10. Lol support I have OCD lol
  11. +1 SUPPORT !
  12. Support I've been wanting this for ages
  13. Nothing wrong with O.C.D. Support 
  14. Support 
  15. I don't think 80% of you even know what ocd actually is. If it bothers you but you do nothing about it, you don't actually have ocd.... If you had ocd you would have to fix it before you could move on with your day.