For ally traders, what is a good price for stat usually? I have a 25b for 250k, is that a good method?
I am under the assumption that balanced builds make pretty good plunder, not sure if they're the best out there though
Devil, that wasn't my question. I asked for a good conversion price from gold to stats. i.e blank gold should fetch blank stats.
Also, @tra, I used to have a build like yours. You make a bit less as a sh, but if you war a lot and win, just a level one estoc edge is much better. That is assuming you can war, and don't win with your current build.
It wouldn't matter anyways, they're too small. I can tell you that 211b ally is terrible, you could've gotten an active one. As an Allu trader you have to see activity, will they grow, and will they sell. See what im saying? Usually an ally that small isn't active.
Would someone please define a 'plunder build ' for me? wall me with answers /suggestions /trolls. Many thanks.
A 'plunder build' is a build made to make the best plunder. So, you will not see them with towers. Like said before, usually Balanced builds make the best blunder. If you want an example look at #1 in ALB.
Devil, again you aren't understanding what I'm asking. It's not a size maximum or minimum, it's a conversion. An 18m stat ally isn't small. You are seeing it only as if I am asking for a certain price, or a certain stat range, which I'm not. I am asking, in general, what is the price per stats people use in searching for allies. The price per stats ratio is used to determine if allies are overpriced, underpriced, or normal. The ratio changes with inflation. So, to rephrase the question, what is the Price per stat ratio some ally traders use when looking for allies. Not activity, now how cheap or expencive they are, just the ratio.
I, as an Ally trader, do not use the price per stat ratio. I use the activity, etcetera. So you're getting feedback from one, usually a successful ally trader doesn't really care about stats. Rather, if they are active and will continue to grow so they can be sold. Thats how they 'trade' allies, so to say.
For under 50B I use 1B per 30K in stats for attack builds/20K for spy. Above 50B price steadily increases. I also tend to gravitate toward Pro's in B2B HTE clans, especially admins/owners. Over 100 B activity is a must. Wulf has one of the best shops in KaW, I suggest you browse.