Brinf back the x2 x3 ebs!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXP_3Xx_SkrIIlex_xXP_3Xx, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. my acct is 6 dayz old
  2. for black friday @mm
  3. Please... try again in Summer 2014. LOL
  4. Lol its not summer but soon or on the other side of the globe winter lol
  5. dont be too mislead that devs kept hte and warbeasts for our benefit only, it has to churn a nice profit for them, which im glad it does as they dont profit game goes away. It is a business after all.

    I would hope more for a promo like tgey did for black friday, would loose a bit more cash from my pockets if tgey did to boost thier summer income when everyone should be checking out the bodies at the beach/pool
  6. What's brinf???
  7. I'd like to see a 3x tsg. We have 3x wb, and 3x haunt.... we need a more expensive more rare 3x tsg.
  8. Let's hope devs give is then back for the summer. It's called summer promo for a reason. Sidenote. They were only during the weekdays FYI