KotFE- Assassins

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by -ThE_MaCHiNE_oF_ClaY-, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. o_O \m/

    Bump because they rule!
  2. Had tons of fun here when I was visiting like a year ago. Great people, great family.
  3. Some great peeps there. Good luck with the recruiting
  4. Bօʉאƌ Bψ ₩₳ཞ օʉཞ ǤE₳ཞʂ Mօ℣E ナօǤEナHEཞ ナօ FօཞM օאE ʉאʂナօㄗㄗ₳BLE FE₳ཞEƌ ƙĭLLĭאǤ M₳ƈHĭאE. ₩E ₳ཞE ཞELEאナLEʂʂ ₳אƌ FʉELEƌ Bψ ₩₳ཞ
  5. We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive,
    We can print and plough and weave and heat and light,
    We can run and race and swim and fly and dive,
    We can see and hear and count and read and write! We are the MaCHiNE!! Farm here and you will never see the end of days!!!
  6. To describe the assassins in one word....

  7. Ashes with the awesome gifs as always!
  8. Support 
  9. Now recruiting 15 mil cs stats and up. If you fit there and want to join pm an admin.
  10. Bump 15m cs and up
  11. awesome familly double bump 
  12. Been here bout 2 weeks, its been a blast. Kotfe and Osw resparked my interest in a game that was starting to get boring.

    Thanx Guys

    Full support.
  13. [​IMG]

    Cause I can KOTFE4 LIFE
  14. Support to my new family. Crazy bunch