xtals for anniversaries

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXxDAM-_-BiC-_-NATIONxXx, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Go and buy yourself xtals for your anniversary.

    Everyone demands free stuff.. You got free gold from eb and 24 hrs a day of free recharge - enjoy
  2. Oh yeah lets make the gap even bigger by giving more xtls to the LB. no support
  3. It has nothing to do with the LB, or whining about free stuff. It's a reward, for loyalty. Nothing more nothing less. Ty for your opinions.
  4. I'd agree. That would be great!! Devs sort it 
  5. Support for loyalty. Most accounts are at least a year old, if this was introduced everyone would be happy to receive 10 or more xtals. Devs need to do something to appease their players for all of the nonstop disappointment, this is simple and would make everyone happy.
  6. What about people that buy accts
  7. What about them? That doesn't change the age of the account, or that they could've just bought xtals for the account they had instead
  8. I just read people saying no 100 for tenth year, well you're wrong, 1st: 10 2nd you'd have 20 and I'll keep the list going

    --------- you'd be given 150 right now for 5 years
    You would have gotten that much if they implemented it at that time
    Support but hope in humanity takes another hit
  9. Not sure I understand where u want to go with that comment? What if they buy an acct?
  10. I am thankful, that some of you see the positive aspect of this proposal. Thanks
  11. Cool idea, rewards for game loyalty would be nice. Not many people play a phone app as long as this one is played, definitely worth some feedback from the devs via loyalty rewards.
  12. Sweet I would get 20 xtals support.
  13. i agree that wud be kool
  14. Would be on my 40 xtal prize next 

    I support the idea- maybe tweak it some
  15. Sounds good to me... They should give us old war dogs crystals too for staying after they changed everything!
  16. Sounds good! But I doubt devs will catch on, details and nobs are their 2 main sources of income. It's just giving out theirbpaychecks basically. We can just see what devs have to say
  17. Great idea! I fully support this, and hopefully the devs will decide on it going ahead!
  18. I fully understand and respect the xtals and nobs being the cash cow of the game, but in the big picture how quickly will those xtals and nobs be used (the answer is very quickly). And the devs, would still get our money.