OK, so this is probably fairly stupid, who knows. But I think, those of us who have been playing a good amount of time have probably also spent a good amount of RL money here. So, basically xtals for anniversaries would be just that. 1st year = 10 xtals 2nd year= 20 xtals Etc...... And possibly nobs on milestone anniversaries such as 5 year 10 year etc. Maybe get your anniversary xtals and 100 nobs. Seems like a good idea to me.
That's a big stack though. For a player like me, that is 100 xstals right now. I do however like the weekly 1 xstal thing. While I admit it's much more than this idea, it's suttle, and seems to be alot less.
Lol, I was going to comment on that 100xtals comment oh. Anyway, honestly it wouldn't cost devs anything basically to give this style gift to people who have played loyaly for years. And, it would benefit them because the reward will keep long term players happy that the game gives a little back to them for sticking around.
I'm thinking that comment is for oh. Am I right dragon??? Anyway, I am looking to see if there is a physical way to propose this to the developers. And I think a whole bunch of positive feedback on this thread, can only help something like this to happen.
I think he meant that at the current rate: if 1 year is 10 and 2 years is 20, then 10 20 30 40=100 for 4 years playing
@Mrs. I would hope, that if they did something like this it would take time already here into account. Lol
@Armstrong, no ten per years of play. So yes, you could get 100 xtals but on your 10th year, not your 4th