Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IlIl_Kamil89_IlIl, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Sums it up
  2. One time Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked ZAFT.

    ZAFT lived.
  3. But dat trollbegone doe....

    :lol: keep out of reach of sheeple :lol:
  4. Mmmmm, cheese. Make it sharp cheddar and I'm good to go. :D
  5. 
    Another useless kid...
    Any decent account that wants to smacktalk?
  6. Im gonna lock this as all it is going to do is encorage people to flame and spam , and quite franky if you are going to start a "movement " against zaft put some more effort into your idea!!
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