Join one of the big four alliances for strip farms (apoc, UC, zaft, wdgaf) or you can join one of the few osw directed clans (yafi, sicniss, Osiris) for that kind of event. Most other clans are eb based. Some even do anything to avoid osw, but you have others that don't stand down unless the odds are overwhelming.
how do I contact the developer?? ive been trying to find a way and ive sent numerous feedbacks but no response :evil:
Why do devs put on yet another crap prolonged boring promo and ignore the plethora of both constructive and downright frustrated pleas from their customers to make the game better?
Mdj, I know you said rhetorical but I'm gonna answer you anyway. Some feature requests are on the road map, some requests are more difficult to implement. I do agree the matchup algorithm needs a lot of work, the fact they haven't tinkered with it since season one in mind boggling. As for issues about the current path/update whatever you want to call it, it was rushed there's bound to be major bugs but these major bugs don't affect your gameplay experience.
I believe 381k per Strategy. My memory is horrible though, download KaWculator off the App store to see things like stats and prices, and tinker with your build.
Red War Citadel Lvl 1- 225,480 static attack defense Lvl 2- 255,587 static attack defense Lvl 3- 353,709 static attack defense
So far, I have heard of no one getting feather drops on NML, I've personally searched through Moose's feather tracking thread and asked my friends who do B2B NML.
Only ebs currently dropping feathers are the pay per ebs, as well as smoke signals and jungle warfare