Giving 1 Free Xtal every week

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by lIl__CYRUS__lIl, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. (Face-palm) that's why this game is different
  2. Yes, the devs aren't a very generous charity *cough* Business *cough*
    Pay your way. 1$ a week is nothing anyway.
  3. I agree with antonio...most new accounts that stay active are infact alts not new players...I have found out that proper noobs get easily bored with game and the allies people are buying are dead accounts....Ive been playing just over a month and have spent a fortune on the pro packs, xtals n points....It would be nice to get something back as i play for hours every day without fail....n find it extremely hard to get drops n Im getting tired of trying to gain equipment....If equip drops dont get a bit easier then I will no longer be playing as thetres only so far you can get in kaw with no equip...n that will be a 100£ less orofit a month from me...n my husband also feels the same...theres plenty of other games iut there who give daily rewards n we also have to put up with the often occuring glitches....I say daily rewards for signing in everyday as we do would b a start n wiuld be easier for me ti grow my clan as newbies dont stick around for more than a day ir 2 as my clan ends up with dead members in it the twice ive opened....I am now questioning if the money my partner n i spend every week tbh....there does need to b rewards....u havent even had my hiv relief badge for spending tho my husband has...not impressed...need to work harder devs!!! Love the game but need more oeople to love it too to have a successfull clan.
  4. Guys you do realise that if enough people support this and all of kaw has this in demand devs will be forced to give everyone a free xtral :|
  5. Support a crystal now and then is a nice incentive. Devs already know this that's why they hand them out when Kaw has server issues. 1 every 2 to 3 weeks won't end Kaw as we know it. Devs make plenty of money from LB players anyway. Throw us free playing players a bone.
  6. Moose must own stock in ATA
  7. You F2P players don't have a right to demand ANYTHING.
  8. nah, I don't hold stock in ATA. I do however, run a business.

    I see things from the player side. Kids like free stuff. Free stuff is fun! I want free stuff! Gimme free stuff god dammit!

    I also see things from the development side of things. You play here every day, or at least most days, you're addicted, so offering you a free xtal once a week will do nothing to increase player retention. The players will p,ay anyway. It may, however, Impact xtal sales negatively, which would be really poor form for a business to do.

    Bottom line, its nice to get free stuff, and if you take a poll, almost %100 of the people surveyed will support getting free stuff. (No suprize) but, just necause you want free stuff and think it would be nice, doesn't mean that ATA should start shoveling out thousands if dollars worth of Xtals each and every week. I would never do that. .

    Its just common sense people. And before you tell me Xtals cost nothing to make, I would refer you to my post several pages back that detail what goes into the making of an xtal
  9. But the needs of wolfie outweigh the needs of everything else moose :D
  10. I think rewarding crystals on the basis of activity is encouraging-
  11. I'd say instead of a crystal a week, let your kingdom generate 1 nobility point per day ( on the stipulation you have logged in less than 24 hours previously) . Every ten days that's a free regen people could use for war or exchange for gold every 15 days (gold relative to your size of kingdom of course) . It would be nice to see, hopefully encourage people to war also, maybe get the taste for it and purchase crystals of back of that. Granted its unlikely , but something I would like to see.
  12. @Moose, ATA has previously stated it's not all about the money. They want to provide a good gaming experience. That's why they capped how much money an individual player can spend in a day. They didn't want someone with millions to spend to come out of nowhere and crush the leaderboard and the game. In a pure business model this is ridiculous so they don't run their business like your business.
  13. @Garthang, nobody is demanding anything. It was just a request from Op to make more interesting. ATA can decide. No YOU
  14. Additional- the generation of 1 nobility per day could be activated by your first upgrade of your castle on the lowlands perhaps, a first goal for new players maybe? A regen every ten days is less costly to the devs than a crystal per week, can be linked to activity , isn't worth a lot really to the many alts we all seem to have so would be pointless creating lots of alts to try to "farm" nobs. Ok it's 360 ish nobs a year, if you were to save up I guess. But hopefully it would negate the need for war crystals as you'd get a regen every ten days, so you could take part in wars, even renew your edge in time , but ultimately you wouldn't earn many rewards in a season .. You'd still have to purchase to war regularly. Point is I think something like this would be beneficial overall, keep new players coming back for more, we need new blood for sure. Thoughts?
  15. Scorpio, Nice Death Mask
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