Selling back aqua or inferno

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by corithian, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. It would be nice to see someway to get rid of all the extra aqua or inferno you have. Something like sell 25 aqua for 1 crystal, or trade 5 aqua for 1 inferno or vice versa. Any other suggestions?
  2. I see where u going, support
    Could like to use a way to even my aqua and inferno out
  3. Support. 15 aqua for an xtal is fair. And inferno for like 500m each
  4. Would love to e able to swap aqua for inferno. Haven't had any inferno since the moth hunt!
  5. 3 xstal = 30 nobs
    15 nobs = sum of gold

    Make aqua trade back for as much as 30 nobs would get you if you cashed in 15 nobs for gold 2x. Fair enough?
  6. Trade one for the other even at 5:1 would be best imo
  7. Nice to see I'm not the only one thinking this
  8. Topic gets brought up at least once a month. Won't happen.
  9. Oops i just made a post suggesting using them to buyseals of the damned before i noticed this post. However i support any use of them!
  10. I definantly give support to op

    Another idea is that u can trade aqua and or inferno on for mithril
  11. These threads have been done over &over again.I've even done one myself. Support anyways.
  12. Shoot I thought this was Corinthian at first.
  13. That would be amazing I have WAYYY to much aqua.
  14. Well kaw_admin this is what the comunity of KAW want n its been brought over n over, n like any business the clients are right, u guys are making top $$$$$$ from sales of nobalties for sod n xtals. I think we as customers should be heard n have a request granted. Besides u guys r still going to be well over millions of profit from game. Make a lil cut n profit n show your apreciation to us ur customers
  15. Please, tell us who are the community.
  16. Well kaw_admin this is what the comunity of KAW want n its been brought over n over, n like any business the clients are right, u guys are making top $$$$$$ from sales of nobalties for sod n xtals. I think we as customers should be heard n have a request granted. Besides u guys r still going to be well over millions of profit from game. Make a lil cut n profit n show your apreciation to us ur customers