It would be nice to see someway to get rid of all the extra aqua or inferno you have. Something like sell 25 aqua for 1 crystal, or trade 5 aqua for 1 inferno or vice versa. Any other suggestions?
3 xstal = 30 nobs 15 nobs = sum of gold Make aqua trade back for as much as 30 nobs would get you if you cashed in 15 nobs for gold 2x. Fair enough?
Oops i just made a post suggesting using them to buyseals of the damned before i noticed this post. However i support any use of them!
Well kaw_admin this is what the comunity of KAW want n its been brought over n over, n like any business the clients are right, u guys are making top $$$$$$ from sales of nobalties for sod n xtals. I think we as customers should be heard n have a request granted. Besides u guys r still going to be well over millions of profit from game. Make a lil cut n profit n show your apreciation to us ur customers
Well kaw_admin this is what the comunity of KAW want n its been brought over n over, n like any business the clients are right, u guys are making top $$$$$$ from sales of nobalties for sod n xtals. I think we as customers should be heard n have a request granted. Besides u guys r still going to be well over millions of profit from game. Make a lil cut n profit n show your apreciation to us ur customers