Clan Admin/Owner Chat Window

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by jhfxjufchigchuf, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. completely support 
  2. Support fully
  3. I for one think this would be a great addition
  4. Support dont use ally chat anyway
  5. Support  rat face
  6. ohhhh lets put that in the roadmap which will be coming up in 2025 Support though
  7. Its a helpful feature but there are a lot of much more useful ideas reaching nowhere.
  8. Support. Could be adapted to cc being split for all and owner/admins and ac being split to build on clan alliances where multiple clans could communicate directly without needing a followed ally clan admin/owner to be on but rather any admin or such
  9. In the end the programming is already there. Chat boxes are there plus system recognizes Admin/Owner roles (kicks and clan page changes). Access to a seperate chat box for recognized admins/owners does not seem like a monumental programming feat.
  10. I'm PoopsOniOS7 and I support this message 
  11. Support
  12. Love the idea chuck.full support 
  13. Support 