Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Well the text box does grow until u hit second line of text; it shrinks back down to regular size and doesn't grow. Also some clan information pages allow u to scroll, but some are completely wiped. I know u guys are trying to fix it just telling you all what I found myself.
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Also sometimes the text gets moved into middle of the reply area under player name: moving more than half of the chat into one line, but then resets if chat is moved or another person replys. I only found this in clan chat so far sorry for the double post.
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Also it seems to only effect bottom two responses and it happens every time u close chat window, and reopen clan chat but changing chat tabs after it fixes itself doesn't make it revert back into what it did before
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Couple other things I noticed. 1. I am US, and I'm in Asia WC. 2. It no longer scrolls to the top when tapping the top of the screen in any screen view, like PM, CC, and walls.
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues ADVICE TO KAW, go and buy a new iphone 5s upgrade to ios 7.1 go to apple store download kingdoms at war install the game then go sign with ata or Facebook start the game check for any bugs, worms, insects, then make a one week duration fix update. Best advice ever. one more thing, why android users get the free crystal tho all your bugs, worms, insects was on ios?
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues What happens with your team devs ?? The new update have more bugs like the last one , now I can't see clan page ! When I write on WC the text box goes bigger and then smaller ...
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues when attacking the ebs, after you finish unloading you can't see the damage you have taken off the bars! can you get that back up along with all the other issues! thanks
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues When your player base rants for days about you not checking your changes before u submit it to apple, the last thing you should do is rush a fix and submit it? You just look like complete incompetent fools to us and likely apple too now! This is unacceptably ridiculous
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues OK now can you please focus in the crap ee system now,, it's the only reason I want to spend money on this game,, can't be that hard to come up with a better matching system,, currently this only rewards lazy easy quick builds, instead of big builds that actually take time and effort
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Still can't scroll and edit clan page. Have to drag and hold to view bottom of page. Please fix with next update
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Oh ye. Missus got free xtal and she didn't download the first messed up update but the second so called fixed update. My phone auto updates so I had pleasure of 2 messed up updates and no free xtal. How is that. C'mon devs, it's 2014, please get your act together
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues So much focus on idevice, ive been reporting an issue on my note2 almost daily for months now. I go to preform an action on another player att/ass/stl/sct and itll give me a pop up asking me to report or close. I report about half if i have time. Theb after reporting it takes me back kaw, but not to the player profile i was on, itll go to the screen i was on just before hitting the player ie clan roster, another players wall, wc, you get point. Made it a pain in ass for strips in osw and makes ee impossible from phone. Been reporting this for months with no response or care and i know im not only one with issue. This topped with the craptastic customer service on s3 ee i really wonder why i still spend money on this game.
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Was nice for a measly xtal. But ANYONE who dropped a SEAL after they updated should be reimbursed MORE. It's very simple I don't know how they can argue or even fail to ADDRESS this. They are the ones charging $6 to run a SINGLE eb. Still the worst company on earth. Never gonna change. I can't wait to see the other games fail due to lack of accountability
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues When I use the back button in forums to return to AT, the list of topics is not the current list. It's like I'm seeing an old AT list or something. Not sure how else to explain it.
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues @Vamperous: those crashes you are talking about occur only on JellyBean 4.3 Touchwiz (I had the same on my Galaxy S4). On KitKat 4.4.2 KaW is running without problem. I didn't had a single crash since I've updated to KitKat (almost 2 months ago). So all you need is just a little patience. Your Note2 will get KitKat shortly. There's already a leak of it on XDA so its just a matter of weeks until you'll get the official update.
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues Thanks for update vlad, would have been nice for devs to lets us know, unless i missed it
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues @Vamperous: they did. They admitted its about a memory leak. KitKat have a better ram memory management and its dealing better with this issue. The memory leak of KaW application its still there (KaW its using more ram memory than Asphalt8 or RealRacing 3D) but again, LMK (low memory killer) works much better on KitKat so your gameplay is not affected.
Re: Bug Fixes and Known Issues I also posted a fix for this issue a while back but its required a rooted phone.