To my Friends at Fury, and a Challenge to Maddog

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xX___lIIlI__RLaw8__llIIll___Xx, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. Where's all the " soldiers" at?
  2. Set em straight MG. Fury are bullies who farm people much smaller. I will return the favor when bigger.
  3. There are to many friends fighting against friends im actually going to post on a forum thread. Only because i have great respect for both sides and it breaks my non exsistant heart to see y'all fighting . I think y'all should be adults and do a 1v1 and stop this before it gets out of hand. Fury you are family damnit you are all great ppl! Mg you are family and are all great ppl . This post is not meant as dissrespect its meant to show that they want peace.
  4. Screw peace its a war game, Fury I have been away far too long and don't recognize the clan tag but support to y'all for the "Fury" and quick retaliation (see what I did there?) And MG y'all will always have my support I hope to see a good fight from both sides peace is for EB fairies not for these two clans.
  5. @ In_playin_sane. That's rich coming from a guy with 265 battle losses.
  6. That's rich with 3.5k battle losses.

    That is obviously an alt :roll:
  7. Nobody will post with mains lol
  8. Mines on 1 month forum ban, otherwise I would. Its the owner of this kingdom
  9. As much as I would I would like to support 1 side, I have friends on both but I wish both side the best and I hope this is settled soon.
  10. Now I know why God hasn't got back to me on the Winning Lotto numbers. He is too busy playing KAW.
  11. Insult our friend in front of God 

    Erm whut ? 
  12. I speak to god on a regular bases and I can assure u all that he is on fury's side  infact he has an alt in our clan 

     Fury 
  13. 
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