This season many warriors were upset over the lack if matches and the lack of war crystals. Also many people dislike the requirement for having health crystals. I have a simple idea. That would ease everyone's minds on the subject. At the end of season three I think that everyone should either receive one health crystal for every X amount of rancor they have. Say every 5 levels. Or have a bonus for every win you make. Say half a crystal per. Or one for each win and put a Cap of 10-15 on the reward. Anyways those are my two cents.
I support this, but I don't think the devs would ever implement this since it's all for money, not necessarily wars
I don't support bc of the fact I warred the first couple of weeks loosing xtals bc of bad matches and have no rancor to show for it
Of course the system could be reworked so say you get .25 a xtal per lost match and .5 or .75 per won match. Them cap it at say 10xtals. Keep I'm mind it's not like the devs would lose money. Because the rewards would be given at the end it would be likely that they would be spent on ebs and such. Something war accounts wouldn't normally spend money on. Or for the really broke who would be able to war in the next season be saved for that reason.
The xtals aren't very expensive as it is. Xtals are the part of kaw that is NOT free to play. Why should the devs give anyone free xtals?
Just skip on one hamburger, pack of cigarettes or case of beer and get some xtals. How cheap people can be? I do not believe that people can't afford to pay for them. If you got money for fancy phone, data plan you can buy few xtals month.