A Message to The Evil Organization

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ____________Garthang__________, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. This cannot be tolerated. TEO has stolen Fubs.
    Fubs is our Mojo, our being, our life!
    In other words we want him back, and you'd better kick us some restitution.

    We want:
    1. Fubs in his present condition. No sneaking us imposters! They will be discovered.
    2. A puppy...

    Made of cake.

    3. Skanks.
    4. A quart of Evil's blood. For.... uhhhhh... Medicinal purposes?
    5. 20T in DR ally purchases.
    6. Thirty five seals. Must be Furry!


    All items must be provided within seven days. Failure to comply will result in desolation unseen since the sack of Troy.
    Or maybe we'll just rage in forums, either way you're screwed.


    Have a nice day.
    And remember kiddies; if hitting one gets all, then hitting all gets one. Rightttt???

  2. Im not quite sure what i just read...
  3. What flavor is the dog cake?
  4. Fight for fubs!
  5. The dog cake flavor is hot dog
  6. I am part of the Magnus Society of Magnostic's.
  7. Fubs decided to be us... so get over it
  9. Nuh uh. You tricked him. Probably promised him Cake.
  10. We want fubs back!!
  11. We at The Evil Organization, have took your Fubs. Until you meet our demands, we won't be dealing with you.

    We at The Evil organization, have came to the demands of.

    1. We get to have Fubs, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays,Thursdays and Fridays, then we will then allow visitation for all members!

    2. Saturdays and Sundays will determined by if the moon is at full crest. In the case of a blue moon. That shall decided by a fight to the death between two members of equal abilities.

    We demand all your first born too. For... Umm.. Scary evil stuff

    The blood of evil, is so pure evil, that we shall never give it out to any lesser evil like yourselves.

    *written in the blood of an victim unknown*
  12. Than burn in the depths of Magell you will! This is the pit of doom created by Magnus The Lord of the Magnostic's.
  13. Intense negotiation  It's always nice to see the inner workings of such hardcore diplomacy
  14. You can have Darkus's First born though. He smells funny.
  15. Then Fubs will remain with us. Accept our terms or you will never get him