Oh Hai Guyz! Its your friendly Kaw'er Moltey here with a short, simple and sweet idea. This idea would revolutionize communication in KaW: Enabling CC and walls to have gifs and pictures I know, its been suggested before, and many have poopooed it. But I feel like this needs to be brought up again. I understand that it would be a lot of work on the devs part, but it would TOTALLY improve user experience. I know I would get a huge kick out of it. Now before you go be asses about this, just remember, Rob Lowe already said it was the best idea ever. Ok, now feel free to troll away.
Like I said, the Devs would have some major work to do. I didnt say my idea was perfect, as I lack magical dev knowledge, but I trust they could work it out.
The amount of lag it would cause would be ridiculous. Although, if devs could fix that, it would be amazing
But even from a strategic strictly business standpoint, its brilliant. one could post ss of a scout, of their newsfeed, of anything really. pictures would certainly help newbs out (yes i know thats what forums is for, but sometimes noobs cant find what they need)
One word: Abuse. This would be a huge headache for both the mod and developer team, and it's just not worth it. Allowing pictures/gifs to be uploaded onto someone's wall would mean: 1) extra moderation. We'll need to take care of off color gifs so often, it wouldn't be funny. 2) Constant emails to support. We can't delete wall posts, which means we'll have to contact support every time we see a bad one, and get them to delete it. Then people say "give the mods the ability to delete wall posts", but that opens up a whole other discussion about how we could abuse it/be biased, etc.. No support.
As a game developer i can say it is entirely possible to implement this into the game without impacting performance too much. Many iOS titles get away with much more then this. That said depending on man power and experience/talent/funding wether or not they could accomplish this. I like the idea
See? Yes, my idea has limitations because of my lack of specific dev knowledge. Instead of crapping on what is WRONG with the idea, try to come up with solutions. Its a good idea if the little kinks could get worked out.
I loves it !! But gifs is Kind of what makes forums so special isn't it? And with the lag issues, kaw already has so many, so I really only see that as the only blockade..:
I see it from a very strategic standpoint actually. Id love to be able to share ss with my clan, without having to go to a 3rd party app. Some things are great for forums, like my gifs of poop on a stick, some things like a target and their build are not. (yes i know that all the clan members can scout separately, but it would be very nice to post ONE pic and have the whole clan see it as one)