Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. How do we match up against someone 13 spots above us, especially when they are near the top in cs?!?
  2. These S3 war are really bad for Aussies as War1 is 12pm sign up2am war then war 2 is 6am sign up then 7am war then war 3 is 12pm sign up and 2pm war and most Aussies are at work or school it crap :( we never get a chance to war dev please help us out and make it fair to every one who plays the is not fair play
  3. This idea can be a ****...but maybe not.
    What if, during wars, ur plunder comes from ur builds and ur "capacity to generate plunder" instead of the defense given from the enemy? Gh/sh wont "generate" more that a big attack builds. Towers will still generate 0, so big towered ppl will get less plunder. That will make ppl build towers to defend theirselfs from pin but not to much, to be cable to "generate big plunder"

    Its just an idea, but maybe it would work
  4. Seen as you've been money grabbing scumbags this season and made no effort at all can you please tell us what's going to change as I'm bout done unless u give me any good news. This season been horrific and basically all mid builds and hansels been dumped on by you cuz u haven't got the balls to go your bosses and say it's a mess. How your still hired I have no idea your beyond a delinquent and I'd like you to stop ruining this game
  5. Id like to offer a single opinion that mat help a lot in matching. The odd guild out should be scrapped and changed with lowest stat clan

    This is bc ive taken the liberty of seeing all clan rosters every war and i do see how two clans basically have a way small roster. In this case im taking about Fazenda and tvp or war.

    The other day i saw how Great_wall got odd guild out having a great roster. But fazenda got a nm for having way too low stats( your words kaw admin)

    Fazenda gets a lot of those feedbacks. And i would bet that great_wall couldve easily matched any of the big NM clans that war.

    Had they matched. The big clans wouldve matched differently and possibly not have those bigs NM.

    To recap- replace odd guild out with lowest stat clan out. I guarantee you. Matches will be better
  6. One of our memebers had rancor 49 .straw .now he got 0 rancor even tho he had more than a week to go.really devs thats more like straight up stealin money .give him his rancor back .we took enough ish from u already
  7. War 5 Says k.o.s bigger then dragon sanctuary? Yet we have no lb n they got a few! Lol like how matches work. Sh bring down cs n the stuff. So how can u go off that. Now if sh paid better then 1-2m per attack. Then maybe u might get some better marches is at least sh would be a down fall not an exploit.
  8. Season 3, Week 7, War 6 : Zodiac ranked Last and "Odd Clan Out" no match? Hmmmm. Silver "Stats too large" no match and ranked first? Hmmmm. Devs are lost? 
  9. Isutiger. Devs put the odd man out at the bottom of the list every single war
  10. 5 posts back i said a solution to what happened again now at zaft and silver

    Now i made a thread im wars
    " replace oddman out with lowest stat clan out"
  11. Zaft would have been too big for a match anyways with 5 top 25 LB.
  12. I haven't really thought about this, but what if y'all gave a level of rancor for every no match? I mean in my opinion the ones that get a no match don't have a chance to get rancor. But the ones that get a match have a 50/50 chance to get rancor. In my opinion it would be a little more fair. Cause the only way to get rancor right now would be to win a war. If u get a no match u don't get to war. If u don't get to war, u can't win to get the rancor level. In my opinion it would be fair, but in some peoples opinion it would be unfair. It's up to y'all, but I thought I would put the idea out there as a possibility
  13. I don't think it's fair to remove a lv of rancor with a loss. I mean they already worked hard and did what it takes to win it, it should stay. If you want to drop an ee level for a loss, I think that's fair.
  14. Really not loose one for a loss. I still don't think you should be rewarded mith for a losss
  15. Season 3 - Week 7: War 10: Zodiac, #1 Ranked in strength, did not match. You forgot to put us in red to show that fact. Plus, you forgot to explain why too. I'm surprised because we are red many times week. Wow!! I'm in full support of losing EE and one Rancor Lvl for losing a War but we would like a chance to war with a match. This is a war game losing a war should cost us big time.
  16. Kings war war 12 not mentioned in the list we got a no match and no reason as to why?
  17. You screwed up cr and red marks for nomatch war 12 . Just so you know.
  18. Congrats so 9 mins into war kaw crashed  u need to start spending some of the real money we give you on your servers you are a joke
  19. It's a goddamn travesty that an 18m can be matched against and hit a 2.8m account.