House of Dogs vs. wicked fate

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Garlic, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. You made this happen now you will suffer
  2. Dude calm down ask rebel the actual story
  3. U should listen before u react in a negative way
  4. Haha you randomly get that high of stat players RIGHT before a war?
  5. U guys should listen to the actual story
  6. Get rid of all the mercs and I will
  7. I'm one of the original wicked franchise members if legend says you did something you did something also look at your opening post on this thread there is a clear threat so get ready shits about to get heavy
  8. A good old fashioned system war. Sounds like fun. Good luck.. Whoever. :?
  9. System war will lead to osw your guests will have ten minutes to leave before all hell breaks loose
  10. Is that from right now or at the end of war? I'll probably be asleep in the last hour or so.
  11. Balto follow back please I need to tell you something
  12. Sledge I meant those that we are unsure of their status you and four others are safe for 24 hours extra however if you 5 are still there after that time you will be treated as enemies
  13. Gotcha. Have fun with it!
  14. I will believe me I will have fun ;)
  15. Came back then you guys reaffirmed the lead should be a good war
  16. What is the wicked family? Never heard of you
  17. And op, you need to learn how to OSW before you can even attempt to win an OSW. With your tactics so far.... Any real war clan would chew you up and spit you out like an old piece of gum that long ago lost its flavor. Just sayin.

  18.  vote for osw
  19. Sirayden I would assume to really learn how to osw he would need to be in one. Support to OP and the opposing clan. Nice to see small clans warring. Shame on all the haters
  20. @Martyr
    Just because a man goes to the river with a fishing pole and some bait, does not mean he knows enough to catch a fish.

    Being in an osw does not necessarily give you the knowledge on how to win one. I grant that it does give you some experience. If he wanted to learn how to win one, he could easily ask or have an alt join a war clan that trains and then apply the knowledge given.