kaw is unfair to Aussies

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by VuIcan, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. These S3 war are really bad for Aussies as War1 is 12pm sign up2am war then war 2 is 6am sign up then 7am war then war 3 is 12pm sign up and 2pm war and most Aussies are at work or school it crap :( we never get a chance to war dev please help us out and make it fair to every one who plays the is not fair play
  2. The devs dont care.the issue has been there since the start and ppl complained, but no action was taken.
  3. It's not just Aussies, it's Asians and New Zealanders
  4. if you go to school then you can war on the weekends, i myself have stayed up for 24hrs straight to fit in as many wars as i can.
    if you work then im sure you get 2 days off a week as well, and if you complain you work 2 jobs then to bad devs cant make everyone happy.

    in saying that i did like the war down under
  5. Yes they only need to add one time slot into there roster around 7pm would be awesome!!! Why they have not I don't know :(
  6. Pshhhh. Down wid da aussies
  7. Aussies complaining!?!?? I am hallucinating.
    It's not Australian to complain over a game. Go whatch footy and complain that essendon's only popular because the teams got red and black as base colours.
  8. Yeah that would be great just to have the extra one or two wars for down under again 
  9. darkcore that would not be the reason why people would discuss essendon
  10. Agree mate. But there are only 10 mil or so Aussies in the world so yer screwed basically.
  11. 22mil frog
  12. Uk, it's normally past midnight or some ****
  13. Yeah but with the 22m of us, that's a lot of beer consumed, I might add. So warring with Aussies is always fun. Unless it's with SC in which case.. You're going to have a bad time  just kidding sc plz love me.
  14. This was brought up at the very beginning of the season wasn't it? Didn't they say something about activity having some sort of relation to the war times? That aside its a bit late now. Sorry y'all. 
  15. You can still war, you just need to make
    Time for it, if you really want to war you will make time for it none the less, I can't complain about warring cause my work hours fit pretty good for two wars atm. So it's not like a oh darn can't war got work. You just deal with it tbh. Sc has a point about having weekends to war all the time.
  16. You expect them to please everyone? If they make it fair for Aussies, my guess is then it would be unfair for everyone else. Stop complaining. If you don't like it, simply delete the app instead of QQ'ing on the forums.
  17. only to aussies?

    Ahem **wanker** lmao
  18. I can't say the "aussies" favorite word sorry...
  19. Warry -
    It wouldn't really be unfair to anyone if they added a couple extra war slots for good times for Asian/Aussies.
    3pm Asian time is like 2am eastern time, which isn't a terrible time for Eastern people to war either. It's actually even not to bad for west coast USA either, or maybe even UK.

    I have many friends who have struggled this season to war and have risked lots because of it, so I support any change to help them out.