Let's bring the game back to the good times :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Supportisto!
  2. Support again. DD and whoever contact me again if y'all need help with this message. Got 120 xstals a day to burn.
  3. Killerds! Respect to your crew  win or lose- you war a good war  cheers ️
  4. Sorry OP, but I think this is just pure fantasy.

    Remember system wars? These were all player controlled and guess what? We sucked at arranging it just as much as the devs do. I think 70% of the system wars got cancelled because of build bickering between sides.

    I say get a group of friends together, get sh alts, and make a war clan to fit the needs of the day. Adapt or die.
  5. They need to get rid of the 2 massive lb and 23 ps. Horrible wars
  6. 100% support
  7. Stop living in the past simple as that!
  8. For 1111 days playing and your size, seems you missed a big chunk of the past  No need to be short, DD just trying to make the game better for the future players️ gotta respect that ️
  9. @wulfgar. Sorry for not responding. This thread fell off and so I didn't see it for a while.

    I would say since this is a war game that a riot is exactly what ought to happen. Well maybe not s riot but perhaps a war. Many people are frustrates. There might be enough.

    But you need to understand that the devs have already been well informed of the issue. I really must implore you to go to announcements and find the thread titled Official no match discussion thread. There is hundreds of posts just in that thread alone for the devs. There have been dozens of other threads, hundreds of emails. They have the info. The diplomatic route you encourage has been done already.

    You seem to think mid builds have plenty of options to war. Hansel-tanks have it worse. You think a player with my mid build can go play with large rosters? Nope. I'm to small for them.

    With your never say die attitude you encourage you are just short of telling me if I can't find a clan for me then make one and that would certainly be an option. I have never said we don't have any choice. I am simply making a DIFFERENT choice because I believe it is more productive than trying to get all those frustrated players into a clan I create and THEN try to develop a strategy to counter the LB/SH rosters or create rosters stronger than Zaft can when players who know this game better than I do have yet to do that.