Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Shak don't be afraid. Creepers on the Internet? Ha.
  2. GT save meh
  3. I'm not getting ideas. I'm being inspired by people from films :twisted:

    Quick question, are the Nick Frost and Simon Pegg films famous in America?
  4. I'm not just a creeper on the internet :twisted:
  5. Shak I will protect you. I'm the greatest keyboard warrior in KaW.
  6. Oh god (/).(\)
  7. Damn bb code fail
  8. you put my name inside quotation marks, like
  9. wait I think I got it
  10. Haha thanks I'm a dumb blondie sometimes hence my hair color
  12. Thats a hair colour, it doesn't affect your mental capacity
  13. :p quote wars!
  14. Yay my spontaneous and slightly off-topic endeavor has been achieved 
  15. nm. im gonna leave this thread so hopefully this thread will go back on topic
  16. It does actually shak. Don't believe him.
  17. Quick somebody post a picture!!!!!!!

  18. [​IMG]

    This was posted a while back.

    Posting this one because its already been seen on this thread.
  19.  Pretty