Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by pank, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. Op - maybe you could liven the list up with a few emojis - these type of emojis are good 
  2. I wouldnt say Emoji… maybe some color coding (EB Names in green, Equip in blue, tier in red, etc) … details in the first paragraph about what it this thread is, etc.
  3. Concept a good idea, but too many mistakes from my quick glance
  4. Mistakes ? Where I seen none or are you saying Wulf is incorrect !!
  5. I like emojis - they are cool ️

    World without emoji's would do dull ️
  6. true vixen

    But NO Emoji PC :cry:

  7. nope look again
    :lol: its CALLED Abyssal Sword
  8. that looks better

    thx for the tip :cool:
  9. Emoji's do not show for everyone, like some Androids and PC users can not see them, However, I do like the new BB Codes though.
  10. Fix the BB code error and add a description? ;)
  11. OooO very pretty, but wulf's guide shows all of this 
  12. Change orange to a blue it would look better
  13. Thank god, now try and improve,

    Fill in pictures and stats.

  14. Ok I’m not denying that wulf’s guide is good (in fact it’s great I use them all the time that where this info came from in the main) all I’m doing is giving the same info in an easy to glance at format
  15. You should separate them with a big heading for each tier :D
    Looks like a wall of text now.
  16. Thats a very good idea, something like

    Tier 1

    Tier 2
  17. thx for the tips guys :)
  18. Missing Arch greaves
  19. If this is improved it should be stickyed because Wolf's one is in shambles.
  20. Yes this is a very very easy galce format, I love it!
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