Single player ebs

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LT_LegendaryManiac_LT, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Warbeasts, cover of night, awakening, despair, tfo, abandoned kingdom, foreign territories all soloable.

    No support. Just make a clan and keep it tiny or join a failclan and solo their ebs
  2. the point is to be able to solo harder ebs than warbeast n such which hardly pays as much so why waste 25b on a clan that will take 1-2 weeks for ur $ back?
  3. No. Niv. No. Tell the noob to hit the battle list like a big boy.
  4. Take someone's fail clan. Plenty on wc for free, just keep an eye out.
  5. What is this game without socialization and teamwork? Sure there's battle list and quests, solo farming...but the real joy of the game is in clan interactions.

    I can absently tap my screen by myself without even downloading the app. Pointless.
  6. Other players are a single player EB. Free gold and last until they reset.
  7. Support it!! KAEB needs single player EB. Devs ruin KAW so not a big problem by having a single player EB it will be best for all, and maybe make escape last 48 hours long 24 xtal/day so single player can do it, that way devs will make more $$$$$$ from seal & xtals sale, I hope deves reply & do single player EB, good luck :)
  8. They're called quests.
  9. sounds like this nub just wants free, easy money without having to work for it or earn it. all he's gonna turn out to be is another EB noob that won't know how to dish out nor take an ass whooping. Lest we remind you, this is a WAR game...