Increased Scroll Drop Rate

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. I have no idea what your talking about I just picked wolfie cos I like dogs and I got bored with tigrex
  2. Lol Increased❓❓One drop in four daysI hope next year I can the first enchant
  3. If you've never seen terminator 2: judgement day, you have failed miserably.
  4. I also think how active you are is relevant. Surely more actions should equal more chanc of drops. Based on my crystal burning high activity I kinda feel I've given it a fair crack of the whip but still a terrible drop rate.
  5. It's like all the ATA games once a new game comes out all there attention goes to that new game.. They stop making updates and patches for Patroits at War and Gangs at War. No updates or patches I'm over 2 years.

    So this game is being neglected now. They could care less that in all of KAW only a handful can run summoner and have enchanted equipment. I mean we new this was coming ... Lol
  6. One week in and still most of us haven't been able to try the new EB. Great job Dev 
  7. They say that patience is a virtue but I ain't got the time for that!
  8. Finally. God damn it. That took a while
  9. thanks for the increase devs. still zero scrolls. after a week. good thing i only need to get one scroll to enchant. :|
  10. I wonder how this will affect clan structure. The new rate is about 10% at best. Accounting for duplicates one would need to do about 400 SS to get enough scrolls to begin enchanting the first three pieces. If you are in an average clan that takes ten hours to do it that is 4000 hours. I think people are going to drop clans to join stronger clans doing it faster. Like what happened during the moth promo. This has essentially turned into scroll promo.
  11. kaw is one massive collection promo ! Aqua inferno equipment mithril banners cloth steel wood scrolls!

    Not complaining, it just is what it is.
  12. If the drop rate was fair your chances of getting a drop would be unaffected by how long the EB takes. Longer EB means more actions which should result in a higher chance of getting a drop. Sadly it seems that the game mechanic doesn't work that way.
  13. Kaw_community gone on holiday?
  14. It's all luck I myself have 4 scrolls and I just started doing ss
  15. I love how kaw said the increase would help clans be able to do the next eb in the next few days. Weeks later and maybe 2 clans in all of kaw can even do it. The increase is bs. Thanks devs for nothing again.
  16. I have been hunting scrolls for weeks since eb started but hardly any scroll drops I am a very active player and not sure why KAW has quoted an increase in scroll drops cause I'm not anywhere near enchantment yet Is there a problem where these are not dropping correctly
  17. Hmm my own problem? The new drop rate of scroll in smoke signal increase? For me, its looks like decrease. Last time, when dev first increase the drop rate, 2 scroll can drop in only one smoke signal, even 3! Or its my own feeling only? Can you bring that increase back? :(
  18. Patience luck and hard tapping is the key. We got about 5 people with enchantments at Once we were Noobs - 2-3 bigs can eat top bar fairly quickly. Pls PM if you have an enchantment and have fair size stats. We've done two of the new epics which history will show. It pays very well and will be doing another later today and wish to cover all time zones to give everyone a chance in the team.
  19. Patience luck and tapping can't be the key as I have done all I think it's in the hands of the Gods on if you get a scroll drop Can someone please explain the increase drops in scrolls as the majority are all saying the same NO INCREASE
  20. There was an increase. More and more people are getting enchantments. All because your not getting the scrolls doesn't mean there wasn't an increase. Kaw isn't gonna make it to where you can enchant in a week or two. It's gonna take a while. That's the point. Plus, if you don't like it, then don't try it!