Aqua and Inferno

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PeachieQueen, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. is everyone tired of having to much Aqua? Make eb drop more Inferno alot woupd be happier :) haha
  2. I'd rather have to much aqua than to much inferno
  3. Send feedback rather than making spam threads
  4. Agreed with novody
  5. Why would you want more aqua? Most of your items meed alot of inferno
  6. From what I've gathered Spies = inferno, attacks = aqua. My hansels and hybrids seem to get Inferno whilst my attack builds have a surplus of aqua.
  7. I Never new that. It just sucks that you have so much equip that needs inferno and you have alot of aqua
  8. I get aqua only...theory disproved.
  9. But but.. Everyone wants ze Inferno.. He's mine! 
  10. Spy build = aqua
    Attack build = inferno
  11. I would like to get more inferno. Does anyone agree that in bigger eb such as TSG,GS. Or WW if the Element drops were bigger
  12. Your so wrong Rice lol - im sitting on 156 Aqua and 0 Inferno and am an Attack build
  13. 77 aqua 0 inferno
    I'm a toe licker (SH)
  14. I have 272 aqua and 11 inferno
  15. More of these things would be nice, but so would effort in this thread.

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