Devs,, you are sucking the remaining life out of this game,, please increase the increase of scrolls,, clans don't want to run months or years of SS,, reminded of the lackluster moth event which had us doing NML for weeks,, I'm finding it very hard to spend RL money on this game anymore,, please bring the fun back to KAW
Of course the ones who get scroll drops say its good and the ones who dont get scrolls say it stinks just the way it is live with it
There is a flaw in the drop lottery that needs corrected,normally if you have a piece of equip from the EB and you are supposed to get that said piece of equip as a drop you would get BB's or a element as a substitute.In Smoke Signals that isnt the case we have instances within our clan where a player has the ring enchanted and still gets the ring scroll,one player even has 6 now i myself have one others have upwards of 4.This is a waste as other clansmen could use these for their enchantment,could this be looked into im not neccessarely saying drop inferno or aqua in its place but at least give the drops to others who have been active.It should be looked at as it could increase enchantments for others.
Scroll drop rate seems to have increased from "almost never" to "rarely". I'm pretty active and have been doing SS almost constantly since drop rate was increased. Been using quite a few crystals too. Last SS I had over 700 actions. Total haul of scrolls so far is 2. So much for us all starting to do The Summoner within a few days. I notice, as with all of these threads, that when it becomes a bit awkward kaw_community is nowhere to be seen. I've been whacking away at SS for a grand total of two scrolls. Gonna take months to enchant this equipment. Explain yourself kaw_community because you said we'd be off doing it in a few days.
We have 9 players within our clan with enchanted equip,all rings??,but we could have more as we have between those 9 14 extra ring scrolls that are useless just cluttering up our profile pge,we cant sell then,trade them or even gift them this should be looked at.
Scroll drop hasn't increased in my book. I've played a bunch of times and still nothing. I wish the devs would stop being so conversation with their algorithms.
Drop rate still seems dismal . Comparable to the bow drop rate from tgl in my opinion - and we need at least 8 scrolls just for one item!! - Dear KAW please post what you feel is a reasonable time frame for the average player doing b 2 b smoke signals to unlock this equipment.
Yes hi. can you please put one of dev teams A,B,or even team C back on kaw from SMASH? Because dev team D obviously can't handle ANYTHING related to this game. Put team d back on future combat. Thanks again! Keep it up guys! Love, spilatch
Call me crazy. But maybe sep-a-rating , each equip's scroll drops into eb 1,2,3 of this eb series, so that people could focus on each equip , might've been a good idea , with eb 4 in series the one needed for actual enchanted items. But hey I'm no dev.
For people who think scroll drop hasn't increased think about it it's less than 10% so your more likely to not get it 9/10 times it's still crap drop rate but it's got better
Wolfie is the fake name of john conners dogs that the terminator uses to fool the T-1000 in t-2 judgement day "Your foster parents are dead "